• Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 4 years, 1 month ago

    Still looking for a job but don’t know where to start? Check out the jobs section! Your AVC Moderators have been posting a lot of interesting jobs lately! Want us to stay on the lookout for specific jobs or from specific areas? Let us know!

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of COVID-19COVID-19 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hi HCC Fam,

    Please see this email I received if you need internet access or know of someone that may need this resource:

    “Los Angeles, CA (Friday, May 15, 2020) — The ability to access the Internet has become a critical necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Internet access is key to schools’ online learning programs, and is the gateway tha…[Read more]

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hey, HCC Fam! Check out this Career Coaching opportunity hosted by Julie Truong. She’s beyond helpful when it comes to job searching and resume writing!


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  • Annie Ahmed

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 4 years, 1 month ago

    I hope you’re enjoying this lovely Saturday, HCC Fam! While HCC’s “Resume Week” ends this week, we’re looking forward to keeping this conversation going. You should be updating your resume every time you accomplish something. Unsure of how to start? Well that leads us to our last tip:

    Tip 5: Get feedback. Join the Resume group and share your…[Read more]

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 4 years, 1 month ago

    It’s Friday, HCC Fam! This is the day of the week that we start waiting for on Sunday night! Regardless of it being Friday, we still have a tip to drop for “Resume Week” so let’s get into it:

    Tip 4: Pitch yourself. Think of the resume headline as the movie synopsis about your career. You will want to convey your experience level…[Read more]

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  • Alondra Ruiz

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 4 years, 2 months ago

    Happy almost Friday, HCC Fam!

    It’s day 3 of “Resume Week” so let’s get to business:

    Tip 3: Map where you are now to where you want to be. Identify the skills and experiences that translate best for your ideal role – make sure they are clear in your resume. Missing key skills? Use this time to research how you might develop them (either through…[Read more]

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 4 years, 2 months ago

    A career coach’s insight on how to make your resume stand out! This is perfect for “Resume Week” Click the link below for…[Read more]

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of COVID-19COVID-19 4 years, 2 months ago

    Coping during Covid-19 is important. However, sometimes we’re so used to compartmentalizing our feelings that we find unhealthy ways to cope. Please find this article written by Gary Polakovic of USC about the rise of drinking during the…[Read more]

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 4 years, 2 months ago

    Happy Wednesday, HCC Fam!

    This marks day 2 of “Resume Week,” and yes we’ll be taking this into Saturday! So I hope after adding that much-needed experience to your master resume, you’re ready to do some editing!

    And I know that sometimes when we work so long on a document, the idea of looking at it one more time makes us cringe, but remember…[Read more]

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hi HCC Fam!

    As you may, or may not know, HCC is celebrating “Resume Week.” This means that we’ll be posting tips, questions, and discussions on some practices that we use to tweak our resumes to land that next job!

    I don’t know about you all but sometimes when I get comfortable in a position, I tend to not update my resume. But we should ALWAYS…[Read more]

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  • Sara Kramer

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  • Janelle Sauz

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  • Janelle Sauz

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  • Sergio Chairez

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  • Alysha Jackson

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  • Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of COVID-19COVID-19 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hi all! I found this list of resources on LinkedIn. What really caught my attention was the website that shows remote internship experiences. If you work full-time like I do, a virtual internship may be the perfect opportunity to get experience on the side.

    Links for Hiring During COVID-19:

    1/ Remote Work Newsletter sends great newsletters &…[Read more]

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  • Rakiah Anderson

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  • Rakiah Anderson

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active 3 years, 12 months ago