• Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 2 years, 4 months ago

    Happy almost Friday, HCC Fam!

    It’s day 3 of “Resume Week” so let’s get to business:

    Tip 3: Map where you are now to where you want to be. Identify the skills and experiences that translate best for your ideal role – make sure they are clear in your resume. Missing key skills? Use this time to research how you might develop them (either through your current role or on your own time) while you job search.

    Something I struggle with is correlating my current experience to my dream career. How do I make sure I’m staying on the Public Health path even though I’m working in another sector? Well, I have to remind myself to be kind to myself. I’m a firm believer that you can make any work experience applicable. But that doesn’t mean you should stop working to improve your skills!

    Other tips: make a vision board! It will help you stay on track and hold yourself accountable. If you need help conveying your experience in your resume, head on down to the Resume Review group and ask for help!

    See ya’ll tomorrow.

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