• Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 2 years, 4 months ago

    Happy Wednesday, HCC Fam!

    This marks day 2 of “Resume Week,” and yes we’ll be taking this into Saturday! So I hope after adding that much-needed experience to your master resume, you’re ready to do some editing!

    And I know that sometimes when we work so long on a document, the idea of looking at it one more time makes us cringe, but remember that it takes 15-30 seconds for a recruiter to get an idea of who you are by glancing at your resume. Those 30 seconds can make or break the possibility of you getting an interview!

    Ok, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, here’s tip 2:

    Day 2: Get focused. Make a copy of your “master resume” and start to cull these experiences down to your most recent 10 years (Exceptions: College and further degrees; if you have had a career break in the last decade). Parse out the most relevant work and meaningful contributions you have made and include numbers where possible. Keep your most relevant bullets at the top of the list. The goal is <2 pages max. Back to editing for fine-tune mode. Give yourself a day or two for fresh eyes to edit further. Make sure each bullet point tells something unique or shows progression from a previous role. Eliminate extraneous language – ask yourself what is the simplest way you can convey information?

    This is a great tip, and remember, if there's something relevant that you really want them to know about you, but don't have the room in your resume…there's always your cover letter! What are some resume editing practices that really help you? Do you prefer to leave it for a few days and then come back to it or tame that beast in one go? Let me know!

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