• Eva Levingston

    Eva posted an update in the group Group logo of Job Search GroupJob Search Group 2 years, 5 months ago

    Hi HCC Fam!

    As you may, or may not know, HCC is celebrating “Resume Week.” This means that we’ll be posting tips, questions, and discussions on some practices that we use to tweak our resumes to land that next job!

    I don’t know about you all but sometimes when I get comfortable in a position, I tend to not update my resume. But we should ALWAYS be updating our resumes. If you take on a new project that expands your skills, update that resume! If you were recently promoted, update that resume! If you have a side gig outside of your main job, update that resume!

    So please use the tips we provide throughout the week to inspire and motivate you to…UPDATE YOUR RESUME!

    Day 1:
    Make a “master” list of your experiences. Write down all that you can remember from your experiences, skills, and accomplishments to date. Yes, EVERYTHING. This means both paid and volunteer work, technical and “soft” skills, formal education, professional development and training, accomplishments, and quantifiable performance metrics. Next, set an intention. Give yourself a clear goal for using this resume – beyond getting a job, what do you want out of the job? To gain new skills? Take on more responsibility? Pivot your career? Land a leadership role?

    I think this is a great tip because my role as an Alumni Virtual Community Moderator isn’t even on my resume yet! Let’s discuss, do you have a master resume?

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