Annie Ahmed
Annie posted an update in the group
Mindfulness & Meditation Community 2 years, 5 months ago
Hi there MMC Group, I truly hope you and all your family and friends are doing well during this turbulent time. Especially now because of the uncertainty around COVID 19 that anxiety, stress, and confusion is running high.
These past two weeks have felt insufferably long, and while we are all trying to adjust to the changes being made every day we need to look out for each other (and ourselves) as best we can.
I wanted to provide some ways to stay connected, stay educated, and stay calm.STAY CONNECTED
Continue to reach out to your family and friends via phone calls or video calls. Stay in touch and know how everyone is doing.
Don’t cancel hangouts –just reschedule them to virtual platforms. Instead of having in-person game nights, my friends have been playing virtual games like Risk and we all skype in!
Be creative about ways you can still connect with others while remaining physically apart.
Avoid uncredible sites with inflated stories and doomsday like headings. Choose your source of information carefully.
A few groups I’ve been checking in with for the REAL facts: CDC, WHO, UCSF, NIH.
Youtube Channels with facts: youtube channels like TED-Ed, KCETOnline, Vox and Vice News
Practice mindfulness- write down something your grateful for every day
I also found two great videos that I think are super helpful
Dealing with Anxiety from COVID-19 by licensed MFT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMOhYAubXG0
Eckhart Tolle also released a video “Staying Conscious During Times of Adversity”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKpmXhGVMxIHide Comment