What are the criteria for intern selection?
HCC applies a comprehensive review and thoughtful consideration of an applicant’s qualifications and background.
Some key factors considered are:
- Demonstrated interest and commitment to healthcare and/or public health including but not limited to health management, policy, public health, community health, health disparities, behavioral/mental health, biotechnology and health education.
- Strong interest in addressing the health needs of their communities.
- Content and quality of short essay responses, which follow the guidelines listed in the prompt.
- Articulated reason and rationale for interest in Health Career Connection.
- Health or public health-related coursework
- Overall grade point average (no minimum GPA required) and/or rationale.
- Ability to participate full-time during the internship for 10 consecutive weeks .
- Personal background (such as first to attend college, financial barriers, veterans, and persons with disabilities.)
- Linguistic skills, and cultural and community knowledge relevant to potential internship placements.
- Prior academic and/or professional experiences relevant to the applicant’s understanding and motivation in the health professions.
- Communication, data, computer, outreach, research and other skills that can be applied to internship projects.
- Applicant location and availability of transportation.
- Professionalism and maturity sufficient to be successful in the internship.
- Quality of fit with host organization expectations and opportunities.
- Leadership and initiative (experience in student organizations, clubs, student government, community organizing, etc.)
Visit our Selection Process page for more information.