
HCC Alumni Communities

HCC Alumni Communities

The HCC Alumni Communities are a vibrant volunteer group of HCC Alumni as well as the HCC Alumni Association guided by an elected Board of Directors, supported by staff through the HCC Alumni Engagement team. HCC Alumni Communities provide volunteer leadership, organize events, raise funds, support recruitment activities, welcome new alumni to the HCC community, and contribute to many other activities in connection with HCC. HCC invites you to be a part of our far-reaching network, a critical component for HCC to effectively reach all HCC alumni.

How to Organize HCC Alumni Communities

Other HCC Alumni may have already created groups that have similar identities or interests as what you have in mind. We recommend searching the HCC alumni communities below to see what exists so far and what might be beneficial to add.

To distinguish between alumni-created groups and official HCC organizational activity, we have a few naming rules: If "HCC" is part of the group name, you must also include the word "Alumni" - for example "HCC Alumni BLM Action Group".

National Alumni Association Board (NAAB)

The HCC National Alumni Association Board (NAAB) was established to advise and provide direction for the Alumni Association, partnering with HCC executive leadership to develop and implement strategic initiatives for the Alumni Association that align with HCC's mission, vision, and goals. Board members serve two (2) year terms.

Regional Chapters
Shared Interest Groups (SIGs)
HCC occasionally receives requests from alumni outside of our existing network of alumni chapters or other communities. We rely on compassionate, capable individuals who share our vision and recognize the value of the HCC network within their own regions and professional communities. HCC alumni are encouraged to form their new Chapters and SIGs in order to reach and engage the most relevant HCC alumni members in our network.
Ready to connect with and engage the HCC Alumni Network? Send us a message at to get started.