The following provides a brief overview of key alumni statistics:
60% of interns receive job offers from their host organizations immediately after their
internship or after they graduate from their college/university.
95% satisfaction rate from interns who say this experience profoundly helped their
health career
95% of preceptors report high satisfaction and commit to serving as repeat hosts
7 HCC alums per year over the past 10 years were admitted as graduate students in the UC Berkeley School of Public Health
3 of the last 6 Administrative Fellows at Massachusetts General Hospital were HCC Alumni
HCC alumni have been accepted into leading Schools of Public Health, Medicine, Business, Law, Pharmacy; examples include:
Mailman Columbia School of Public Health
Vanderbilt Medical School
UCLA School of Public Health
USC Medical School
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
UC San Francisco Medical School
Harvard School of Public Health
UCLA School of Law
Harvard Business School
Case Western School of Law
Harvard Medical School
Interns have been employed by leading health organizations, such as:
HCC provides support to alumni through staff and our alumni network so
that individuals can obtain the support and connections they need as they
progress to the next stages in their careers.