
HCC Partner Programs

HCC Partner Programs

  • 10,000 Degrees
  • Academy Health
  • African American Fraternity/Sorority Mentoring Program
  • Alameda County Health Pipeline Partnership Program
  • AltaMed
  • Alumni Scholar – Massachusetts General Hospital
  • American Indian Scholarship Fund
  • Area Health Education Centers (AHEC)
  • Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Mentoring Brothers in Action
  • Biology Scholars Program – UC Berkeley
  • Black Students in Health – UC Berkeley
  • BronxHOPE
  • Building Healthy Communities
  • C.H.E – Communidad for Health Equity, UC Berkeley
  • California Medicine Scholars Program – Avenue M, UC Davis Medical School
  • California Medicine Scholars Program – Region X, UC San Diego Medical School
  • California Medicine Scholars Program – UC Riverside Medical School
  • California Medicine Scholars Program- UCSF Fresno Medical School
  • Carolina Indian Circle (CIC) at UNC Chapel Hill
  • CCM – Chicanos Latinos for Community Medicine, UCLA
  • CDC Lewis Undergraduate Public Health Scholars/CUPS Program
  • Cedars Sinai Health Careers Academy
  • CHAMPS (UCSF Benioff Oakland Children’s Hospital)
  • Charles R. Drew University Community Pipeline Programs
  • Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science
  • Chicago Scholars
  • Coaching Corps
  • College Horizons
  • College Track First Gen
  • Collegiate 100/100 Black Men
  • Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (C-STEP)
  • Community College Transfer program
  • Compass Health Career Pathways
  • COPE Health Scholars
  • DeWitt Clinton High School – Macy Honors Program
  • Doctors Academy (Central Valley)
  • Educational Opportunity Programs (please specify school below)
  • FACES for the Future
  • FPL (Future Physician Leaders Program)
  • Gardner Fellowships
  • Gates Millennium Scholars
  • HCOP Fresno State
  • Health Career Connection (HCC)
  • Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) (specify name and location)
  • Health Careers Pathways Program (specify name and location below)
  • Health Leads
  • Heights Philadelphia
  • High AIMS – UCLA
  • High School Academy (specify below)
  • High School Medical Magnet Programs
  • HOSA Program
  • Inland Health Professions Coalition
  • Inter-tribal Peer, or American Indian Student Mentor Program
  • Kaiser Permanente High School or LAUNCH
  • Kaiser Permanente Hippocrates Circle
  • KGI Community Medicine (MSCM) Students
  • Leadership Institute (specify below)
  • Linked Learning Program (specify name and location below)
  • Mass Academic Public Health Corps
  • McNair Scholars
  • Medical Scholars Program – UC Davis
  • Medical Scholars Program – UC Riverside
  • Mentoring in Medicine and Science (specify below)
  • MESA – Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (specify school below)
  • Mi Mentor (specify school below)
  • Middle School program involvement or program (Jr. Doctors Academy)
  • Minority Pre-Medical Conferences
  • Minority Pre-Medical Programs
  • Minority Student Summer Research Opportunity Program (MSSROP)
  • NAHSE- National Association of Health Services Leaders
  • National Academy Foundation (NAF) Academies (specify)
  • Native American Health Center
  • Native American Student Association/Union
  • Native American Student Programs, UCR
  • Native American Student Programs, Univ. of Redlands or UC
  • Native Summer Pipeline to College Program
  • Noonan Scholar
  • North Carolina Native American Youth Organization (NCNAYO)
  • Oakland Promise
  • OneFuture Coachella Valley (please specify scholarship below)
  • Other Programs (specify below)
  • Peer Health Exchange
  • Philadelphia Futures
  • Pomona Health Career Ladder
  • Posse Foundation
  • Post-Baccalaureate Program (specify)
  • PRIME, PREP, SUHF, SHPEP (UCLA, UCI, UCSD, Western U or other)
  • Project Imhotep
  • Public Health AmeriCorps
  • Public Health Associates Program
  • Richmond Promise
  • Ron Brown Scholar Program
  • SAYA – South Asian Youth Action
  • Scholarship Recipient Pathways to Success
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Program (STEM)
  • SFSU Health Professions Program (Post-Bac Nursing & Summer Science Program)
  • SMASH Program
  • SNMA – Student National Medical Association
  • Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
  • SSJP – Brigham & Women’s Hospital
  • Stanford Community College Summer Research Program
  • Stanford Medical Youth Scholars Program (SMYSP)
  • Steppingstone Scholars
  • Students Rising Above (SRA)
  • Success Boston
  • SUMMA Conference Attendee
  • Summer Enrichment Program at University of Michigan
  • Summer Health Professions Educations Program (SHPEP)
  • Summer Undergraduate Mentorship Program (SUMP)
  • TeenSHARP
  • Thrive
  • UC Davis Undergraduate Public Health Scholars
  • UC Irvine, PRIME Pre-Health Pathways
  • UCSF Latino Center of Excellence, Aspiring Physician Leaders Program
  • UNC Chapel Hill Health Careers Club
  • Urban Indian Health Institute